Medical Emergency Management in Sport - ‘Advanced Plus’ Level
Duration: 2.5 Days
Cost: £650
Endorsement: Content and delivery endorsed by the Royal College of Surgeons (Edin) FPHC
The course is specifically designed for health care professionals and allied health care professionals working in sport (who may be working independently in ‘austere’ environments without immediate access to ‘high-level’ medical support) who would be expected to apply the knowledge, understanding and skills as part of their clinical duties; participants for whom the level of knowledge and skill transfer that this course embraces is appropriate
Individuals who have a primary responsibility for the care of athletes and teams and the immediate management of an acutely injured or ill athlete in a competition or training environment, or in ‘pre or post-activity’ settings, e.g. a hotel, on a team coach, at an airport etc.
The content is aimed complement and reinforce an existing knowledge and skills base
To ensure participants are appropriate for the content, knowledge and skill transfer that a course of this level encompasses, prior to participation, participants will be expected to have a pre-existing level of knowledge and competence (nothing that would be beyond practitioners who have undertaken formal training and remain contemporaneous in their practice) and ideally experience in managing casualties
Individuals will need to provide evidence of a professional qualification and professional registration:
a doctor registered with the General Medical Council (GMC)
a paramedic or physiotherapist registered with the Health and Care Professional Council (HCPC)
a nurse registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC)
a sports therapist registered with the Society of Sports Therapists (SST)
a sports rehabilitator registered with British Association of Sports Rehabilitators (BASRaT)
Participants will also have successfully completed an ‘intermediate’ level course within in the last three years (evidence will need to be provided)
Individuals who have previously undertaken a Royal College of Surgeons (Edin) FPHC endorsed course with another provider will be eligible to attend (evidence will need to be provided)
International candidates will need:
to provide evidence of a professional qualification and registration with an appropriate, profession-specific body within their country of practice
a ‘basic’ competency in English language (all courses are delivered in English)
Individuals who do not meet the entry criteria will be directed to a more appropriate course, i.e. the Medical Emergency Management in Sport (Intermediate Level)
The course focuses topics related to the recognition, assessment and management of life-threatening medical conditions and serious musculoskeletal injuries:
medico-legal issues
roles of a ‘sports first aider’ / personal competency
risk assessment / medical emergency action plans (MEAP) / incident management
medical equipment
initial assessment of the ill or injured athlete and management priorities (MScccR ABCDE)
airway management (manual manoeuvres / airway adjuncts)
breathing management (oxygen administration / bag-valve-mask and non-rebreather mask ventilation)
manageable positions
sudden cardiac arrest
advanced life support / cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) / use of automated external defibrillator (AED)
chest, abdominal and pelvic injury / haemorrhage and hypovolaemic shock (splintage)
‘invasive procedures’ (cricothyroidotomy, thoracocentesis and intraosseous infusion)
medical emergencies (anaphylaxis / asthma / diabetes / seizures / choking)
hyperthermia and hypothermia
head/facial injuries / sport-related concussion
spinal injury (stabilisation / ‘clearance’ / collars / stretcher use / restraints / head blocks / evacuation)
fractures and dislocations
ligamentous and musculotendinous injury
the ‘on-field’ musculoskeletal assessment and clinical decision-making process (SPORTS ER)
non-complex limb injury (splintage)
complex limb injury (wounds / realignment / splintage)
non-technical skills (leadership, teamwork and communication)