Medical Emergency Management in Sport - ‘Foundation’ Level

Duration:         3 hours 

Cost:                £40


  • The course is aimed at individuals who are involved in sports and other activities who wish to establish a level of knowledge and understanding of the principles which underpin the management of an ill or injured adult or child and may be expected to be a ‘first responder’ and be able to immediately apply the essential life-saving measures until further professional medical assistance is available 

  • Participants must be a minimum of 16 years of age


  • medical emergency action planning

  • initial assessment of the ill or injured athlete

  • manageable positions

  • cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR)

  • use of automated external defibrillator (AED) 

  • medical emergencies (anaphylaxis / asthma / diabetes / seizures / choking)                                                         

  • wounds and hypovolaemic shock


MEMIS 'Basic' Level


MEMIS 'Refresher'